Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I feel much better today, which convinces me further that my crappy attitude Sunday and Monday were caused by horrible nutrition. I also went to PiYo yesterday at Refinery, and that did wonders for my mood (unfortunately not my knee). But best of all - I worked in the yard.

Since buying a house in Champaign over 4 years ago, I've worked pretty much nonstop inside and out. That's okay most of the time, because it gives me a sense of satisfaction and makes me really happy. The rest of the time it makes me manic and aggravating. The weather was beautiful yesterday and I didn't feel like painting the bathroom trim - and I needed to plant the ferns my cousin gave me over the weekend. Those 8 little shoots should multiply and spread, filling two beds that desperately needed help. They look pretty great already! Everything was wonderful except for the weeding, which as usual was excessive and neverending. I've realized that even if I do my very best, the creeping charley and clover will ALWAYS win.

People were everywhere and as always, neighbors smiled and waved and actually SPOKE. I love our street. I've battled weeds and roots, rocks and _______ (insert inclement weather of your choice here) and NOTHING has been easy. But it's great therapy and exercise, and when a stranger walked by and said how great my hostas were I beamed with pride. lol

Now I have to get my act together and plant a garden. The bed of knee-high weeds has to go.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Rode my scooter today! Rain - stay away!

OMG, I'm a big crab lately. I had a really great weekend with my parents but I ate so much sugar and salt that I think I'm off kilter and it's messing with my head. I'm not trying to be all foodie-preachy, but it was really ridiculous. KFC extra-crispy chicken, Taco Bell, rocky road ice cream, popcorn, jelly beans, chocolate, soda, corned beef hash, biscuits - the salmon I had Friday night (in an attempt to start off right) seems laughable now. I can't be around bad stuff - I'm unable to stay away. A fast 40-minute walk Saturday morning was great but really didn't help much.

Life has really slowed down around here, though, thank God! My goal this week is to get back into my gym routine (sciatic issues permitting) with PiYo today and maybe spinning tomorrow. That'll do a world of good for my bad attitude and blood sugar. I'm walking the Kirby Derby 5K Saturday in Monticello. : ) Can I get another PR for this one? I can walk pretty damned fast.
Sadly, I can walk faster than I run....if you've ever played our team in softball, you know exactly which one I am. I joked the other night that I'll be playing at 80, and the walker will help me move faster than I do right now.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OMG, where am I?

Can I say that I HATE how difficult Blogger can be sometimes? This entry is done and spaced all stupid, no matter what I do. Sorry if I end up giving up and it looks terrible...

I've been so stinking busy that I have totally abandoned some things, like writing in this blog. The past month or so has been just crazy - the Keyword to Cash contest has me occupied on two of our four stations, we pulled off another successful Working Women's Expo, and the 3rd annual Christie Clinic Illinois Marathon has come and gone, What else? (these were supposed to have bullets, but it wouldn't work correctly)

I've started physical therapy for a degenerated disc causing sciatica, blah blah blah.

We did a complete bathroom remodel that was wonderful but not without its complications and stresses.

My parents visited Easter weekend and I ate everything that wasn't nailed down (with the grand finale chowfest at the Holiday Inn brunch).

Parkland Concert Band ended with a great concert Sunday, and softball is in full swing two nights a week.

The weather sucks and I've barely done anything outside except mow a couple times. My garden (currently fantastically healthy weeds) is waiting to be planed...after Mother's Day. Of course I'm going home for that this weekend. Because I can't slow down, I checked out three book tapes for the occasion (have to decide en route). There's no such thing as down time with me, really.

Despite all the chaos, things are good. I walked a personal best in the half marathon Saturday - 3 hours, 10 minutes even. That beats my time last fall in Indianapolis by 4 minutes, and my time at last year's C/U race by 12!! Considering my hip/back issues with this disc, I'm thrilled. I love the Illinois Marathon so much....what a tremendous event. If you were a volunteer or enthusiastic spectator, THANK YOU. If you're the guy who was pissed on WCIA because he sat in traffic for so long, you might want to check the race guide (or listen to our pre-race broadcast) for traffic info before you drive right into the mess.

This is a pic of me and my great friend, Bettina, after we crossed the finish line together.

Friday, April 8, 2011

"Heaven in Your Eyes"

That was my Prom theme - yes, I'm pretty much putting my age out there, but that's all right. The only option to being my age is not being ANY age anymore, and between the two I'll take getting older wholeheartedly. I bring up Prom because I just had a really happy moment on the air. Our audience is mostly comprised of women in their 30s and 40s, and when you say "Prom" most either roll their eyes (overrated event) or can barely remember that night so long ago. I agree with both sentiments, personally. But today I got a super sweet email from a boy named David, asking if I could help him ask "Lori". Long story short, I went on the air and passed that on...she heard it and screamed...and said yes. : ) It's a tiny moment in my day, but will surely be a HUGE memory for both of them. That makes me really happy. I know I haven't written in a super long time, but between the Keyword to Cash contest and a bathroom remodel (starting tomorrow) at home, I'm crazy stressed and distracted. Of course my stress is nothing compared to how it must've felt to publicly ask that girl to Prom!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I miss you, Don Draper

I'm a HUGE Mad Men fan. I love everything about the critically-acclaimed show - the characters, the dialogue, the style, the unwavering attention paid to EVERY detail, and it's luxuriously slow pace. I love the drinking and smoking, I'll admit it. It's so sinful...and accurate. (Heck, I was watching Carrie last night and the gym teacher was smoking in the principal's office! Things used to be a lot different.) Mad Men is gorgeous and indulgent and amazing. The men are infuriating yet somehow charming (e.g. Roger Sterling). And don't get me started on Don Draper. OMG. It's an odd thing to say, but I really don't like watching Jon Hamm on SNL or 30 Rock. He's funny and smiles too much and it weirds me out. If you watch MM, you know what I mean. If you've never given the show a chance, get the first 4 seasons on DVD. They're all available...and you'll have PLENTY of time to catch up in time for season 5. It was finally announced that creator/producer Matthew Weiner has resolved contractual issues, and we'll get three more seasons (with no casting cuts)! Unfortunately, 5 won't start til March of 2012. Thank goodness Nostradamus isn't calling for the end of the world til December!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


If life were a yearbook and there was a "Best Nails" award, I'd win today.

I went for my 3rd manicure at BJ Grand Salon and Spa, and Lisa said I was ready for french tips. My nails have really grown a lot and while I loved the purple from last time, I think the look above is really ME. Wow! A friend at work just asked, "Are those YOUR real nails?!?" Yes, they are. For the first time in my life, all 10 are perfect. I'm telling you, if you're desperate to stop biting (so nasty), THIS is the way to do it. I've never looked down and actually seen PRETTY, feminine hands...and I'll do whatever it takes to keep them.

Really, Miley?

I've been shaking my head for the past few hours at a statement Miley Cyrus made. I typically don't pay her much attention and since I don't have kids I've never been subjected to "Hannah Montana." I realize many little girls love(d) her, and I get the whole teen idol thing. We've all worshipped stars only to laugh (or cringe) years later. I had a Shawn Cassidy iron-on t-shirt. I had Teen Beat pages taped all over my walls. If your daughter loves Miley/Hannah, I'm sorry if you're offended that I'm critical. But on USA Today's website, I couldn't miss this headline: MILEY CYRUS BITTER ABOUT REBECCA BLACK LOL! That just makes me laugh. Miley is NOT happy about Rebecca's ridiculous rise to fame after "Friday!" went viral (nearly 70 million views), and had the nerve to say, "It should be harder to be an artist." I can't even fully wrap my head around how crazy that is coming from her. I totally agree with you, Miley. And to you I say, "A person should be able to sing before they become a star."

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm exhausted today...for a sad reason. I stayed up til nearly midnight WATCHING A MOVIE. At home. I went to bed right after, but you'd think I closed the bars and then went to Merry Ann's for a gravy nightcap. I'm super tired and blah. I hope seaweed will perk me back up. I'm running over to BJ Grand Salon and Spa after work and gonna try out A Seaweed BODY MASK. I know, it's a big question mark for me too - but someone recommended it and I think it'll help get the "ick" out. Their website says that it'll help get rid of dead skin cells and release toxins, after my skin is exfoliated. I'm really curious about the seaweed wrap and wonder if I'll feel like a giant Unwich. I'll let you know! We got a complete upgrade to our operating systems at work today. Everyone has been really thrown off their routines and it makes for a bit of stress. I wish I could close the door and take a teeny nap. No one would ever need to know...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Beanies recipe

This has been copied from an email from Fooducate, a blog whose self-proclaimed goals are

  • to healthify your supermarket choices
  • to eliminate nutrition label confusion
  • to offer independent, objective food recommendations

So here's the recipe for Black Bean Brownies:

This recipe, courtesy of celebrity chef Amanda Freitag and nutritionist Julie Barto employs… black beans. Beans are a low calorie, protein and fiber packed ingredient we could all consume more of. Here is an opportunity to enjoy beans for dessert.

1 15-oz can black beans, rinsed and drained very well
3 eggs
3 Tbsp canola oil
½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
Pinch of salt
½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
2/3 cup brown sugar, packed or ¾ cup white granulated sugar
½ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, divided


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray an 8” x 8” baking pan with cooking spray.
In food processor, process black beans until smooth.
Add the eggs, oil, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder, vanilla extract,
and sugar, and process until smooth.
Add ½ of the chocolate chips and stir, so that the chips are mixed in.
Transfer the batter to the baking pan, and sprinkle the remaining chips on top of the brownies.
Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted at the center comes out clean.

After I put the beanies in the oven I sampled some of the batter left on the bowl (of course!), and was kind of weirded out by the flavor. I swore I tasted beans. But after the brownies cooled, I thought they were really, really good. Would've never known their little secret.

Maybe next time I'll share my equally amazing "margaritas made from beer" recipe. Yum!!


I'm not all that into cooking (mostly a time/lack of focus thing), but I do really enjoy baking. I doubt that even my good friends realize that. I'm not talking about fancy cupcakes or creme brulee or bananas foster. I'm a basic midwesterner when it comes to recipes, like my mom but not nearly as ambitious. She used to make up to 10 pies or 13 loaves of zucchini bread on a Sunday afternoon (cause she worked all week), moving like a one-woman assembly line for hours. They'd go into the freezer for my dad to take out after he'd finished the last. Oh, and her pie crusts were FROM SCRATCH.

Anyway, her influence pointed me in a sensible, simple direction when it comes to baking. I don't make many things, but I do them well and (in my opinion) the right way. I like cookies made from scratch, pancakes that didn't start in a box (although who has the time some days?), and zucchini bread baked after a trip to the Urbana Market at the Square. I don't bake often but when I do it's a really relaxing and even meditative thing. I make a mess and clean it up at the same time, I talk to myself, and I feel like I'm doing something that women have done for hundreds of years. Having said that, I'm not going to make my own crusts. It's hard to even want to make a PIE, when you can buy a really awesome one at Sam's for like $6. There are just so many hours in a day and you have to consider the cost - store bought in this case is probably cheaper.

And while we're on the topic, I'm guilty of running to the big store and buying something packaged for a party more often than not. That's fine - we're all rushed these days. Still, it makes me feel sort of bad. Baking for someone else is a real GIFT. So this winter when my neighbor repeatedly snowblowed (is that a word?) my sidewalk, I baked him cookies. That made me happier than him, I think. During the summer, I take my dad loaves of zucchini or banana bread at least once since my mom no longer bakes. He told me that my zucchini bread is better than hers...and if your mom is a good cook. you KNOW that was a huge, HUGE thing to hear.

So tonight I'm all alone, and spent most of my downtime in the kitchen. I broiled marinated shark steak (wow - that was a first) and had a good dinner...then I made what I'll now call "Beanies." I was extremely skeptical but thought, what the hell. It has chocolate chips - how can it be all that bad?

But this brownie recipe also has BLACK BEANS. It was in my Fooducate daily email for Valentine's Day, and I've saved it ever since. I had to use my old hand-held blender because I don't have a food processor (and my Magic Bullet just couldn't cut it) so I worried that the beans weren't pureed enough. Well, I think it tastes pretty incredible. If you prefer semi-sweet rather than super sweet, you should give this recipe a shot. I'll post it separately, as this has gotten long enough.

First, I have to go check my oatmeal whole wheat bread kneading in the machine. My hopes are in check; it was looking a bit sad a while ago as I peered through the window, flashlight in hand. Live and learn. Even bad bread isn't THAT bad, right? It's still bread.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More than a thousand words

Apparently, pictures can be worth a hell of a lot more than a thousand words, at least to some people. I sat in on a conference call at work yesterday where a lawyer explained how fragile and tricky the policies are regarding copyrighted materials. She spent most of the time discussing the use of music in advertising, but there was a lot of talk about online policies as well. Because this blog is linked to Mix 94.5's website (which ultimately has commercial goals), it falls under the same rules. So...all the photos that I didn't take with my own camera had to go. I confess I use Google Images ALL THE TIME. Who doesn't? Oh well - I just went through all my entries (glad this is relatively new) and got rid of images that could cost the radio station (and me) big bucks. I guess not showing Gaga riding in her egg isn't the end of the world. It makes for a pretty bland-looking blog, though.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

You're killing me!

Anyone who cares about Illini basketball is a nervous wreck right now, watching Illinois battle Kansas. It's been a pretty amazing game, with a 4-point difference at halftime. DJ Richardson just sunk a 3 with 7 minutes to go, and it's a 7 point game. Wow. I'm proud of these guys. No one even thought they'd make it to the NCAA Tourney, and they're putting up a fight against this 1 seed.

I wasn't here in 2000 when Bill Self left, so I don't have those emotional scars...but he sure does look smug to me.

In related news, my bracket is a disaster. No shock there.

Yikes, I got distracted and it's suddenly a 13 point lead. : (

Saturday, March 19, 2011


" subpar production values, grating hooks and extraordinarily stupid "

Mike Cation knows that I can be a bit square, and he was right when he sent me the You Tube video for 13 year-old Rebecca Black's "Friday." By the time I saw it, 18 milion other views had been racked up - apparenly everyone else in the world had seen it BUT me.

If you don't know what I'm talking about (that IS possible), click HERE to watch.

I watched the video last night. My first thought was that it was catchy and cute (ala Justin Bieber, Rebecca's idol)...then I heard the lyrics and thought, "okay, this has to be a joke." I read today that some people suspect it could be a viral prank, along the lines of Joaquin Phoenix's so-called performance art. "Nothing this perfectly horrible could be unintentional," one commenter recently told Rolling Stone. The lyrics are so dumb they're funny:

"Kickin’ in the front seat
Sittin’ in the back seat
Gotta make my mind up
Which seat can I take?"

I also love the part where she runs down the days in order.

"Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday...
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after...wards"

Haters have posted vicious things about the 13 year-old and the song. It's disgusting how the anonymity of the internet brings the worst out in people who'd NEVER (have the guts to) say anything face-to-face. But Rebecca has her share of fans, too. Chris Brown: "Honest opinion? It was great. I'll be jammin' to it on Friday, Friday," he sang. Simon Cowell called the song "brilliant." I think he's mostly just enjoying how angry some people are at its success.

How did "Friday!" come to be? Here's how it all happened, according to Bohemian:

The answer is Ark Music Factory, a Los Angeles-based company operating as an industry hybrid of Maurice Starr and John Bennett Ramsey. Their casting calls are perfect bait for starry-eyed parents: “If you are a great singer without any material and you want to get discovered,” one reads, “then Ark Music Factory is looking for you.”

The formula is simple: They’ll fly your child between the specified ages of 13-17 to Los Angeles, write her a “hit,” record it in super-compressed Autotuned production, shoot an edge detection-overlay video and BAM! Maybe your kid can notch up a couple thousand YouTube views while you watch your dreams of being a pop-star parent percolate.

Does that explain Willow Smith?

So, all that aside - what's to say about the song/video? It made me smile and even laugh a little. Totally ignorant, but fun. I might even put it on my MP3 player. I don't care how it came about or what her parents' motives are - we are in the age of self-promotion and internet superstars. Plenty of people rely on auto-tune because they're really not very good underneath all the production. The girl is THIRTEEN! What do you expect, really? Charlotte Church?

Just laugh and sing along. If she becomes a star, it's because we bought her crap and allowed it to happen.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring is in the air...

While I think Nicole from WIXY is a bit ambitious with her flip flops and short-sleeved shirt, today is INCREDIBLE! We've waited so long, suffering through a miserable winter, that this St. Patrick's Day feels like Christmas. We could hit 70 this afternoon and I plan to celebrate with a walk to Refinery and back (from work), so I can do my cardio outside. Yesterday was my first long ride (well, to the library and back) on my scooter. I think I've mentioned it before, but here's a pic. If you see a giant egghead riding it around C/U, that's me. I am really disciplined about wearing my helmet, even though lots of people think it's silly on a scooter. Ummm, it goes 40 mph! I'll look silly.

Get outside today! It feels too good to be true.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Sorry if the nail biting stories are becoming tedious - I just want to update my progress and mention that thanks to the shellac at BJ Grand Salon, I'm having continued success, although my three dreams about biting indicate I'm still stressed about it. It's IMPOSSIBLE to bite or even chip the stuff. I have finally met my match! I went into the salon yesterday (after 2 weeks, typical) and Lisa removed the clear shellac with acetone - the only thing that will safely and easily take it off. Since I'm starting to have some length (on ALL TEN!) I went with bold color - a purple called "Rock Royalty." Heck yeah! All the compliments I've gotten prove that Lisa was right when she said it's BJ's most popular color.

I smashed my finger between 2 shopping carts.

I took like 18 pictures before I was satisfied - I hate how old my hands are starting to look. : ( My mom always used to say that a woman's hands and neck give away her age. As far as I can tell my neck is still okay, thank God. (That always makes me think about Ally McBeal and the waddle...)

I also had a hydrotherapy treatment AND a massage at BJ yesterday, but I'm still too relaxed from them to type much more. I'll tell you about that another time.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Put me in, Coach

I noticed tiny shoots popping up in my yard yesterday, amid the sad brown and yellow grass - tulips on the way! Shouldn't these 30-degree days be done by now? Some parts of Missouri got as much as 6" of snow this morning, so I guess I shouldn't complain. But I am. I'm ready for warm weather and colors in the yard and SUNSHINE!!

It's definitely time, because I realized today that my first softball game (at Dodds, by Parkland) is a month from today. Wow! Time will fly and suddenly it'll be June and we'll be in that summertime going-in-a-million-different-directions mode...and this long, miserable winter will seem like it couldn't have possibly happened. At least I hope it feels that way. I'm ready for a HOT summer. (yes, I said it)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Congrats, Illini

To quote the Fighting Illini website:

"The University of Illinois men's basketball team received an at-large bid to the NCAA Tournament on Sunday evening and will face No. 8 seed UNLV in the second round on Friday, March 18 in Tulsa, Okla. Illinois is the No. 9 seed in the Southwest Region."

Time to start my tourney research, if you know what I mean. I love sports and March Madness is awesome, but I'm never very clued in when it's time to make predictions. Sometimes I read a ton online and go with that - other years I've just played my hunches or hurried through the bracket. Regardless, it's such a fun time of year!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's a bit suprised that we got a bid, but I won't dwell on negativity. My volleyball team wins all season long then loses the tourney at the end (cough! RINGERS!), so who knows?

My cousin Nick was really wonderful at Caffe Paradiso on Friday, by the way. He'll be playing there again as part of the Boneyard Arts Festival - Thursday, April 7, 2011: UI Campus (education day).
Rest of the Festival:
Friday, April 8, 2011: Downtown Champaign
Saturday, April 9, 2011: Downtown Urbana
Sunday, April 10, 2011: Out & About Champaign County

Wow, I'm all over the map today! It has to be the time change. Toss in a goodbye party for a favorite coworker at Esquire last night (love those seven and sevens) and a cloudy day, and I'm sort of fuzzy. But I think Sunday nights are perfect for that - chili for dinner, an afghan on the couch, and something on Netflix! Yay!

Friday, March 11, 2011

All that jazz

I'm daring to venture down to the Campustown area tonight, since my cousin will be playing jazz piano (keyboard) at Caffe Paradiso. His name is Nick and he's a senior at U of I, actually doing his student teaching in Spanish Ed right now (Centennial). Click HERE for his My Space page, where you can hear some of his stuff. I have to say I'm a sucker for the standards like "Autumn Leaves" and "Moonlight Serenade," but I know writes music, as well.

I've only heard him play live once before, at his parents' house a few Thanksgivings ago. He played the keyboard while his dad was on vibes. What a cool sound! They've been performing together for years and were so good that my dad yelled from upstairs, "What CD is that?" Tonight he'll be playing alone from 7-8, then joined by a drummer. I'm really psyched...and find it a huge compliment that he invited me. : ) Maybe I should leave the beret and bongos at home and just try to blend into the crowd. I am, after all, a bit older and a whole lot less hip. But I'm a proud and enthusiastic fan, and isn't that really what any performer wishes for in the audience? I'm looking forward to hanging out at a coffeehouse, too - never been to Caffe Paradiso but it looks fantastic.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

...like it's 1999

I feel like I've just joined the rest of the 21st century! Tonight I became a Netflix member, after years of avoiding the trend in favor of free movies from the library or cheap Family Video rentals. We bought a Memorex streaming Blu-Ray from Woot a few weeks ago, and finally got things set up. I would still be outside looking in if it weren't for a 6-month membership I received as a birthday gift. : ) Now that I'm here, I wonder what took so long!! The selection is pretty overwhelming, and we've already downloaded and watched Fathead tonight. Holy crap, Arrested Development is available instantly!!

Honestly, I'm a bit afraid of the pressure I'll put on myself to watch tons of movies and "get my money's worth." I spend enough time in front of the TV, and I certainly don't want to spend even more time staring at the screen while the real world passes me by. Still...I love movies and so far Netflix seems pretty amazing.

On my DVD cue so far:

Nurse Jackie Season 2
The Fighter
I Love You, Phillip Morris
The Town

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I usually try to use a witty title to sum up a blog entry...but there's nothing witty about what's been running through my mind for the past several days. We heard yesterday that 21 year-old Bradley Bunte had passed away from his injuries suffered on Friday evening. He'd been on life support after he was hit by two vehicles while crossing University Avenue against the light. The accident is under investigation but no tickets have been issued, as it seems to be the most tragic of situations that happened in a split second. His family is adamant that this was NOT related to Unofficial celebrations that evening.

Brad's parents issued a statement through the University (where Brad was a junior in journalism, and a writer for the Daily Illini) that was published Sunday in the News-Gazette. It was profound and heartbreaking, and BRAVE. Read it HERE. Their eloquence and the kindness they showed toward others involved in the accident bowled me over. I can't even imagine their pain, or how life has instantly (and forever) changed for that family...and for those who were driving the vehicles in the accident. It's horrific on every level.

We can all give examples of people who were taken "too soon." When I was about 12, a 3rd grader at my school died of leukemia. Her name was Amy. We barely understood death at that age, but kids recognize a senseless loss. A brilliant classmate died violently my senior year and his grave is not far from my grandmother's. She died at 82 after a long, happy life - he was murdered at 18. In January one of my close friends from high school was killed when she was thrown from a snowmobile. The helmet didn't save her. I still can't fully accept that one.

My heart goes out to Brad's family and friends, and to the drivers that night. I'm so, so sorry. It feels insufficient and awkward to say as a stranger, but I really mean it. And I know I'm not the only person in this big small town who may not have known Brad, but who grieves for you still.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bowl 4 Kids' Sake 2011...in the books

Thanks so much to EVERYONE who donated to and participated in Bowl 4 Kids' Sake 2011 this weekend. I was really proud to be a member of Team Illini Radio Group, and to raise $155 - 100% of which goes DIRECTLY to Big Brothers, Big Sisters. I'm also kinda proud that I bowled 165 and 157. : )

Pictured are Sarah Addison (emcee), me, Jamie (a last minute guest addition to the team), Nicole Beals from WIXY, and Dug from 92.5 The Chief. We rocked lane 15 at Western Bowl in Champaign Saturday night, but folks from Central Illinois bowled Friday - Sunday and raised a whole lot of money for BBBS. If I get the official total, I'll pass it on.

HUGE props to this woman - I hate that I don't remember her name. She was bowling on lane 16 and won the 50/50 raffle, worth several hundred dollars...and IMMEDIATELY gave it back to Big Brothers, Big Sisters. If you know who she is, please comment on this blog or email me (michelle@mix945.com) so I can give her the recognition she deserves. Of course people who do such kind things usually don't want to be recognized, you know? Pictured with her is Ryan, a board member of BBBS and our Promotions Director with the Illini Radio Group.

Dug is either pointing out that I'm eating an oatmeal cookie from my Great Harvest Bread Company door prize...or the new hair I'm rocking from BJ Grand Salon. Either way, I'm not having it.

Those bottles aren't ALL mine!

Thanks again to everyone...I hope to be part of this great event in 2012!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

One's enough

I have a fantastic group of friends that gets together each month. The eight of us share delicious meals, many drinks, and the unique camaraderie of women ranging from 29-51. It's something very special that I treasure. We started as a book club but that got in the way. : ) Only 3 of us would actually read the books and it was an effort that got in the way of our fun. It's much better to hang out, eat, drink, play games, paint pottery, gossip, and laugh.

We had a soup-n-salad party last night. The highlight was re-watching a music video they'd made for my recent birthday ("Bad Romance"). LOL! While we were standing around chatting in the kitchen (what you always seem to do at a good party), I noticed that my friend Denise - the host - had a list of resolutions for 2011 on the fridge. TWENTY-SEVEN resolutions. She's that kind of person, and I believe she'll achieve most if not all. They ranged from walking 500 miles to crocheting a blanket for her soon-to-be-born baby. If she could do both at the same time, she probably would.

Her list got me thinking about MY resolutions, for 2011 and in general. My generic ones every year seem to be (1) stop biting my nails, (2) work out more and really be serious about it, and (3) something deep and meaningful that varies. Every year since I was a teenager, the nails have come first...and every year, I have failed. Or not even bothered to try. I wrote the other day about how I was going to get a manicure at BJ GRAND SALON, with the hope of finally finding a solution to halt my addiction. (it's so gross) I've decided that while I admire my friend's commitment to achieve so many things, this is the ONE resolution that I will finally check off my list.

Lisa did a wonderful job of trimming and filing and cleaning up my ugly, stubby little nails. They could be a lot worse, but they were pretty raggedy and awful. She made them surprisingly smooth and round and nearly unoffensive. THEN....she applied shellac, a product that is seemingly revolutionary and magical. We chose a color that's close to clear since my nails are short and not ready for prime time. It dries under a little UV light in seconds, and after that it's like a shiny coat of concrete. Seriously, practically nothing will mar or remove this stuff, and it lasts for 14 days (when Lisa removes it). The hair stylists wear by it and swear by its durability. It's awesome for busy women who can't baby their nails. I'm going bowling tonight (Bowl 4 Kids' Sake - click HERE to donate to Big Brothers Big Sisters) and there are no worries. Best of all, it's so hard that I can't chew. My nails are so shiny and smooth that all I want to do is touch them and stare. After two weeks, they'll have grown a little and I will be 14 days on my way to my resolution...but I'll have Lisa put on more shellac. I don't trust myself and shaking my bad habit will take a while.

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and it's a chance to refocus and officially declare this my goal. Of course I think a better Lenten gesture would be to DO something positive (e.g. volunteer) rather than give up a vice. Okay, perhaps I could try TWO resolutions...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Officially uninvolved

So tomorrow is "Unofficial." This drinkfest has several entries on the Urban Dictionary website, including such statements:

"The holiday began when students realized St. Patrick's Day was falling during Spring Break and they would not be able to celebrate it...has been said that more drinking occurs on Unofficial at UofI than occurs at many other schools during the entire year...begins at 8am...campus police guard the large lecture halls...created by local bar owners to make money...hundreds of citations and arrests..." and so on.

Some accuse advertising firms (hired by bar owners) of posing as students on Facebook, where over 23,000 people have RSVP'ed "yes" to the yearly event. Since 1996, it's exploded sorta like the green goo on "You Can't Do That on Television" - landing on Campustown and the heads of our community.

Most students - from here and from schools all over the midwest who are coming to OUR town for this monstrous party - seem to echo the sentiments of Ina Abraham (Senior, Business), quoted on the Daily Illini's Facebook page:

"I think it's a uniting factor. Everyone's super excited, it's such a happy day, everyone knows about it, professors don't assign as much homework...it's definitely a day when everyone is in a lighter mood. Especially for seniors, since it's our last one too, so it's like, go big or go home."

But junior John Moreland feels differently:

"I think it's the epitome of irresponsibility. It's unfortunate that students put on a really bad rap here because of that. I know that people outside of the University don't look at it as something that's good, and I'm disappointed that a lot of students participate in this activity and put on a bad example of students at the U of I."

I'm not going to be righteous. I went to Southern and actually experienced Halloween when it was legit and absolutely unreal. I've done plenty of drinking and I'm far from a teetotaler now. But I take issue with the biggest box store in town SELLING T-SHIRTS for tomorrow!! It's a dash of business genius with a whole lotta reprehensible greed (no surprise there).

The whole thing is reckless and dangerous - something I didn't fully realize or frankly care about when I was an undergrad standing outside Gatbsy's in Carbondale. That's pretty typical of a college partier. None of it surprises me, but now that I'm years (YEARS) older than the big banged co-ed I used to be, I worry. I worry about the kids (many underage) who will drink outrageous amounts of alcohol from dawn til pass out...who'll do some really stupid things...who could get hurt or worse.

It's doubtful that a college student is reading this, but if by some chance you ARE young and you ARE going to make a sloppy mess of yourself tomorrow, PLEASE try to be careful. Click HERE to read the official Unofficial rules and do your best to avoid tickets or citations. When your head and stomach tell you to stop, STOP. Drink lots of water and a Gatorade Saturday morning, and be thankful that you made it safely through the adventure.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Treating myself

I'm doing something a little different for ME today - going to BJ Grand Salon and getting a manicure, pedicure, AND facial!! Wow. I've never been the kind of girl who indulges herself in things like that, but it's a big year for me and I decided I deserve it. Besides, it's been a LONG winter and maybe this'll shake me out of my "is it still February?" (thank God, no) funk. So I called them up at 355-0505 and they were cool enough to get me in as soon as they could.

I'm nervous about the manicure in particular...because I bite my nails and with only brief successes I've been unable to break the habit. Nail biting is actually called "onychophagia!" I don't feel like I'm excessively nervous or compulsive, but like most people I've done it as long as I can remember. (I suppose that makes it compulsive) I talked to Renata at BJ Grand Salon and she said, "I think we can help you with that." Maybe paying attention to my hands - rather than hiding them - will mark a turning point AT LAST??

As for the pedicure, no one should be subjected to my feet this time of year. Ohhh, but they NEED some relief and pampering after a winter in boots and thick, sweaty socks. I'm looking forward to that indulgence more than anything today. I'll have to tell you more about the facial once it's done - I've NEVER had one!! Something tells me this will be really fun, though, and something I could get very, very used to.

Monday, February 28, 2011

And the winner is...


I know - you're thinking, "What is she talking about?" I'm afraid I can't deliver much with regard to last night's Academy Awards. I DVR'ed it and popped in here and there, but the show just didn't interest me at all. I'd seen 6 of the 10 Best Picture nominees so I should have cared. I couldn't connect with Anne Hathaway and James Franco - she's cute and perky but seemed to be trying too hard, and he didn't seem to be trying at all! I guess she was overcompensating for a co-host who looked stoned most of the time.

I know, I know - that's just him, right?

Anyway, I bring up Mumford & Sons because a Grammy performance paid off big time for the group from the U.K. They didn't win either award for which they were nominated, but sales for their nearly year-old album (Sigh No More) exploded after their February 13th appearance. They topped sales by Eminem, Lady Antebellum, Arcade Fire, and even Justin Bieber!

Mix 94.5 is now playing Mumford & Sons - "Little Lion Man." You can't miss the song because it's waaay different than anything else on the air! The band/song title don't sound familiar? You'll say, "Oh yeah!" as soon the video starts:


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Odds and Evens

I'm old enough, I must admit, to remember the era of "Odds and Evens" in the late 70s. My family was at Disney World and while I recall very little about the park (which still makes my dad mad because IT WAS AN EXPENSIVE VACATION!!!), I do remember waiting in long lines at the gas station on the day that our license plate allowed us to get gas. The last number of the plate - odd or even - determined when you could buy. People would freak if that happened again, but times are strange right now and no one is certain what we could face in the very near future.

I'm not even going to attempt to blog about what's going on in Libya and the Middle East. I watch the news, listen to occasional talk radio (WLS), and am online all day - but I'm never confident discussing affairs in that part of the world. Still, everyone these days has a sense of what's going on and knows that it's going to have a serious effect on the world as a whole. I read today that oil prices have jumped nearly $13 a barrel in just three trading days. Prices are over 50 cents higher than they were this time last year. We just heard that Gaddafi may be ordering attacks to sabotage Libya's oil fields.

I think people are really starting to worry. When I was driving home this afternoon I saw many stations in Champaign that had raised their prices to $3.25/gallon (what is it with this part of the state and 20-30 cent jumps?!?). But a couple on Mattis were still at $3.09, so you can bet that even though I had 3/4 tank left, I turned around and went back...to wait in line. Yikes. Lines at a gas station are a scary sight for people. Unless there's a crazy promotion going on, lines are never, ever a good thing. Are we overreacting? Is the media stoking the flames? Will we really, finally, see gas at $5 a gallon this summer (or sooner)?

I'm thankful that (when it warms up) I can hop on my 49-cc scooter that gets 100 mpg. If one of those is a feasible purchase for you, I couldn't recommend anything else MORE. It's fun, easy to ride, perfect for everywhere in C/U, and obviously a smart financial move. Heck, maybe I could dust off my bike (which retired to the back of the garage after the arrival of the scooter) and actually get some exercise! I know those options aren't for everyone, especially if you have a car full of kids or drive in from another town. I can only imagine how closely you're watching those gas prices these days.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Simply not meant to be

I'm not meant to be a Twilight fan. I realize that many Mix listeners are crazy in love with the books and/or movies, and that's great! I appreciate anything that fosters a passion for reading! And I've had my serious crushes and hangups and obsessions, so I'll never judge. I watched the first movie, but couldn't make it through the second. It's just not my thing.

But beyond that, there are forces simply standing between me and Twilight. Because I love to read I thought I would give the books a chance - you can't criticize something you've never read, right? So I requested the first book from our fabulous Champaign Public Library (one of MY obsessions), as all the copies were out. Well, waiting for me was the graphic novel version of book one...the comic. I just wasn't really down with that (no offense this time to fans of THAT genre). I had a ton of other stuff to read so I put it out of my mind...and have never been back.

Tonight I went to pick up what I believed would be the soundtrack to Twilight: Eclipse. I'd requested it because I'd heard the soundtracks were pretty awesome. Yeah...I ended up with sheet music for piano, guitar, and vocals. I laughed out loud and put it right into the book return. While I play some guitar, I don't see myself plunking out "My Love" by Sia anytime soon. (Sia "Breathe Me" - AMAZING song from Six Feet Under finale) I really think it's not meant to be between me, Bella, Edward, and Jacob. I'll stick to my latest fix, Stephen King. He's not nearly as cute but I really dig his writing.

One thing I got right tonight at the library: Toy Story 3!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

You are not the Biggest Loser

I don't think NBC will ever cancel The Biggest Loser - hell, it's been on forever and the two-hour weepfest episodes are pretty much all the network has to offer (until April, when Friday Night Lights comes back, anyway).

I'll probably keep watching cause I just do. I have to say that I DON'T particularly like the new trainers and the vibe is just bad. I'm sure as a viewer I'm being manipulated to feel that way, but I'm loyal to Bob and Jillian. If they're all actually getting along, I may have missed that while fast forwarding furiously. I do a lot of fast forwarding with that show. "So what hurts? What caused your life to fall apart?" Tears? Hugs? Jennie-O Turkey? OOH - grab that remote!

I did break up with Desperate Housewives this season, however. Not only was it awful, it was like Groundhog Day with the same awful over and over and over. I've known that for the past few seasons, but tried to hang on. I could tell this season that it was only getting worse, and that I was wasting my life. Susan makes me want to scream, and I couldn't handle the Brian Austin Green/Bree plotline. I closed my eyes and hit "delete" on the DVR, and got rid of the series recording after, what, seven years? Don't miss it.

I have my fingers crossed that next to go will be Brothers and Sisters. I've watched since day one and have grown to love the Walkers, even while they drive me crazy...which they do at least half of the time. It's part of their charm. I'm an only child and even when they're insane, I'm envious. There are moments when the cast is amazing; those arguments at the dinner table are like watching ballet and you have to appreciate how great the cast really is. I love that Scottie and Kevin are both groundbreaking AND ordinary. But their recent fostering (or is it already ADOPTION?) of a girl they met last week is a perfect example of the silly and implausible plots that are rife on B&S these days. Wasn't their relationship rocked like 3 weeks ago by earth shattering infidelity? I know I'm extra sensitive due to my career, but Sally Field cannot practice with a potato masher then walk into a radio station and get a job!! Holly gets PARTIAL amnesia (hello, Days of Our Lives) then leaves the show? Where is the villain? Justin goes to medical school? Of course that didn't work. Has he EVER had a job? How can these people drink around an addict all the time? Green-topia? Could Uncle Sol (or is it Sal?) be any more pretentious? Why is anything involving Calista Flockhart tedious? Where is her son? You expect some nonsense in a soapy drama, but the plots have grown increasingly ridiculous - insulting to the talented actors portraying these people. I keep watching, though, because despite it all I am attached to the characters. I want the show to get cancelled so that I don't have to break up with it myself. How passive aggressive is that?

Entertainment Weekly predicted a list of shows that they believe will or COULD BE canceled:

Here's the magazine's 'Danger Zone' list:

Detroit 1-8-7 (ABC)
Human Target (Fox)
Lie to Me (Fox)
Live to Dance (CBS)
Million Dollar Money Drop (Fox)
No Ordinary Family (ABC)
One Tree Hill (The CW)
Perfect Couples (NBC)
The Event (NBC)

And here's EW's 'Could Go Either Way' list:

Brothers & Sisters (ABC)
Chuck (NBC)
The Defenders (CBS)
Fringe (Fox)
Law & Order: L.A. (NBC)
Outsourced (NBC)
Supernatural (The CW)

These shows have already been canned:

Chase (NBC - I don't even remember this one)
The Good Guys
Lone Star (FOX) - the fall's first casualty, actually, after 2 episodes
Medium (5 seasons NBC/2 on CBS) - I never got this show and gave up after a few shows. No matter how many cases she solved, her husband never believed her. Did that ever change?
My Generation (ABC)
Outlaw (CBS)
Running Wilde (wow, what a disappointment this was, since it starred Will Arnett)
Smallville (10 yrs. on CW)
Undercovers (sorry, JJ Abrams)
The Whole Truth (ABC)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Video of the Week

Have you SEEN this little girl? If the video hasn't gone viral, it will soon. 10 year-old Maria Aragon is from Winnipeg, Canada, and her cover of "Born This Way" is burning up the web. After just two days, it has nearly one million views.

Lady Gaga tweeted, " I can't stop crying watching this. This is why I make music."

Livin' on a prayer (to be caller 9)

Bon Jovi was the world's top grossing concert in 2010, earning more than $146.5 million!! An even more impressive stat was released in 2009 - the band was #9 on Top 25 list of the decade's performers. They sold out 244 out of 249 shows!!
But enough of all that. The big news is that YOU can see Bon Jovi at the United Center in Chicago on Wednesday, March 8th! Mix 94.5 will be giving tickets away all next week, when we play Mix Doubles.
Listen for any two Bon Jovi songs, back-to-back. When the second song STARTS, call 351-9494. The 9th caller wins a pair of tickets.
As a member of the Mix E-mail Club, you'll have a bonus chance to win. Not a member? Sign up BEFORE MONDAY at http://www.mix945.com/.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hot Topics

I don't really have anything worth writing about today, so here are a few of the biggest stories being shared around the water cooler (does that cliche apply anymore?):

Lady Gaga claims she stayed in that egg for 72 hours prior to the Grammys, so that she could be "born on stage". Do you believe her? Read the story HERE.

American Idol proves that "the show must go on" - and HAS gone on - without Simon Cowell. As they whittle the Hollywood crowd down to 10 over the next few weeks, it seems plenty of people are still watching TV's biggest hit.

Billy Ray Cyrus has spoken to GQ about his achy-breaky heart. He blames Disney's Hannah Montana for ruining his marriage, destroying his family, and corrupting Miley. BUT - Celebrity Rehab's Dr. Drew Pinsky tells Billy Ray that he needs to take a look in the mirror.

Three days after his Grammy win (and INCREDIBLE performance) Bruno Mars plead guilty to cocaine possession. He made a deal that avoids prison time, and if he pays the fine and completes community service and drug treatment, the conviction will be removed from his record next year.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I'm blah today. Everything sort of hurts and I have zero energy, which is pretty atypical. I credit some seriously poor nutrition over the weekend into yesterday - red wine, birthday cake, biscuits and gravy at Perkins (OMG!), more cake, and pizza last night. It's no wonder I could barely get moving at PiYo yesterday (strength training and core conditioning, blend of Pilates and Yoga), and just prayed for the hour to end. Really, I feel awful. Is that reflected in my voice today? Hope not. Usually when I'm sick or depressed or just not in the mood, I have a better radio show because I'm overcompensating. If you're in customer service (and who isn't, really?), you can relate.

Because I feel so awful (and know that it's MY fault), I'm going back to the gym tonight and I'll push through it. It'll surely make me feel better (I hope?), and besides - I have a 9:45 volleyball game at the Leonhard Center and have to do SOMETHING to stay awake and motivated til then.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Zing Zang Zoom!

All this week, you can win a family four-pack of tickets to see the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus at the Assembly Hall. Their "Zing, Zang, Zoom Gold Edition" show is coming to town March 18-20, and we want your family to be right in the middle of all the excitement.

We'll play every day this week between 8 and 5. When you hear the Zing, Zang, Zoom "Fanfare" (followed by us saying, "be caller nine now!" live), call 351-9494. Caller nine wins the four-pack of tickets and goes into the drawing to become our Circus Celebrity. That winner will have dinner before the show at Jupiter's at the Crossing, then will actually become PART OF THE SHOW with super-close "Circus Celebrity Seats" at the Assembly Hall. Kevin and Sarah will give the grand prize away Monday the 21st, just after 7am.

Do Not Annoy

Rihanna agreed to soften the terms of the restraining order against Chris Brown, just in time for the Grammys (both attended). "Do Not Annoy" - it means the pair are allowed to contact each other, after a judge approves. The original terms from 2009 forbade the couple from any contact, and ordered them to "maintain their distance" if they ended up in the same room.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Lady Gaga's new song, "Born This Way," premiered today. It's the title track to her much-anticipated sophomore album....and you can hear it on Mix 94.5 just before noon today! We'd love to know your thoughts. Is it a copy of Madonna's 1989 hit, "Express Yourself"?? Is it (to quote Elton John) "the gayest song ever"? "Born This Way" is expected to top iTunes by the end of the day, if not sooner.

Friday's New Mix Music

We add the new music we've chosen for Mix every Friday morning, and this week is no exception.

Cee-Lo Green "Forget You" - this was a hit on the Top 40 charts, but it took Gwyneth Paltrow's rendition on Glee (and Cee-Lo's SNL appearance) to bring it back for our Hot Adult Contemporary format. The song was originally "F*** You," and written with no intention of being released to radio. It became "Eff You" and finally, "Forget You." I wish it had been the last version from the start - it deserves to be the massive hit we're hoping it becomes, now that stations are FINALLY playing it!

Taylor Swift "Back To December" Her latest nominations are for the Kids' Choice Awards - Taylor is up for Favorite Female Singer and Favorite Song ("Mine"). Tell your kids they can vote at http://www.nick.com/ starting March 1, and that the awards show is on April 2.

And for grownups...Taylor has topped a Yahoo! OMG poll as the singer most adults (especially men under 35 - duh) would like to serenade them on Valentine's Day. Doubt they'd choose "Back to December" as the song she'd sing, as it's filled with longing and regret. Rumor has it Taylor wrote it for ex Taylor Lautner; her music is consistently inspired by real guys and real events. I would have to say that if most kids her age wrote song lyrics, that would be the case.

Linkin Park "Waiting for the End" This is a different sound for the rock/rap metal band best known for their 2001 hit "In the End." You'll find it on their latest album, A Thousand Suns, which came out in September 2010. Fringe fans may recognize it from commercials for the Fox show, and gamers have downloaded it for Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Best Show Nobody Watched

Friday Night Lights wrapped up its miraculous 5-year run last night on DirecTV's T101 channel. "Miraculous" is my word of choice for two reasons:

  • Based on ratings, the show shouldn't have survived its first season. Devoted fans were shocked that it continued to come back, and will be forever grateful that DirecTV partnered with NBC to give us the last two seasons. We could watch forever, but we're happy to have gotten what we did - it was more than we expected. Too bad something like this didn't happen with Freaks and Geeks or My So-Called Life...

  • FNL was an amazing show - critics have raved through its entire run, many calling it one of the best ever. Perhaps this article from Time explains its power and beauty best. Characters, plot, realism...I can't do it justice with mere words. The show sagged a bit during its second season due to the writers' strike AND a failed attempt to draw viewers with a bit more sensationalism. But with that exception, FNL only seemed to get better as time passed. Characters graduated and actually LEFT (which makes sense in the real world), but were replaced by equally compelling people. That shark was a long, long way from jumping.

My fellow fans and I have talked ourselves blue in the face, desperately trying to convince our friends to give the show a chance.

"It's not just about football!"
"It's nothing like the movie or the book!" (enjoyed book, didn't care for movie)
"The characters and stories are PERFECT! Just watch a few episodes..."

But they didn't. Most of the time my begging was met with blank stares, so I gave up. Fine - it's my treasure, and their loss. ABC Family attempted to air reruns, but that didn't work. For a reason I'll never understand, the show failed to appeal to the masses...even though it was as true a portrait of small-town America as I've ever seen.

Even though I have DirecTV, I'm a few episodes behind, and am avoiding ANY press about last night's finale. My friend Nicole (the only other fan I know) and I are overdue for one of our viewing parties, so the episodes are waiting on my DVR. Next week. It's sort of reminiscent of my approach to the show throughout its run - I've put off watching episodes because (1) I wanted to savor them, and (2) I knew each one I watched would be one less to see. Honestly, I don't even want to watch the finale, which Slate has described as "perfect." Doing so will be admitting that it's really over.

Well, thank God there's still Mad Men.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ted Williams Update

I didn't see the show but just read an article about Ted Williams, the homeless man with the golden voice. Seems he appeared on CBS' Early Show today (they asked him to be on), where he spoke openly about how his sudden fame was "too much, too fast." I can't believe they had him doing phone-in interviews from rehab! The poor guy seemed destined to fail, as his addictions, pressure from every direction, and the obnoxious glare of the spotlights crushed him.

I hope he finds success this time. He claims that he has slowed down and is focusing on what's important. It's no surprise many job offers dried up when he fell apart, but he says he still has the chance to do some voice work (and perhaps regain the trust of those who've bailed) as long as he stays in a sober-living house.

Those of us in radio were fascinated by the story, but struggled to refrain from cynicism as we watched this man get yanked off the street and catapulted to fame. Yes, he's got a beautiful voice and it would be a wonderful story if he turned his life around. We're pulling for him. But we also remember thousands of our peers (and people from every profession) who have lost their jobs through the bad economy and corporate downsizing over the years. It's hard not to grumble, "But what about THEM?"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Are you filled with GLEE?

The force behind Glee just announced their spring/summer tour dates for 2011, and it looks to be huge. The show has moved from theaters to arenas, including the Allstate Arena in Chicago on June 3. Click HERE for the article and list of dates.

Tickets go on sale February 19th - if you have an American Express card you can buy them on Feb 11th.

The show scored its highest ratings ever after the Super Bowl, with 27 million viewers sticking around. That's 10 million lower than last year's post-Bowl show, CBS' Undercover Boss. Are you watching? I've enjoyed this season, once they chilled on the theme shows. I'm probably the only Gen X-er who didn't like the Madonna episode AT ALL. Glee's plot is often just mediocre, but I think the music has been great lately. Of course if you're like my friend who said yesterday, "I tried to watch that show but all they do is sing, sing, SING" it's probably not the show for you. LOL I just let the weak moments pass me by and enjoy it for what it is. On some levels, it's groundbreaking television. On the surface, I love it when they sing, sing, SING.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the top 5 Glee downloads are:

1. "Don't Stop Believing" (Journey) 1.1 million
2. "Forget You" (Cee Lo Green) 466,000
3. "Teenage Dream" (Katy Perry) 407,000
4. "Halo/Walking on Sunshine" mashup (Beyonce/Katrina & the Waves) 332,000
5. "Somebody to Love" (Queen) 331,000

Monday, February 7, 2011

Give her a break

For God's sake, it's time to drop the Christina Aguilera persecution. Yes, she screwed up the lyrics - honestly I found her vocal acrobatics more annoying than the sentence she made up when she "got lost." Plenty of people have messed up the national anthem! It's difficult to sing and the words aren't exactly user-friendly. It's not like she screamed the words, grabbed her crotch, and spit...remember THAT?

Christina claims she has sung the Star Spangled Banner hundreds of times. But this time it was in front of a record crowd (a whole other story) in person and on television. In fact, this Super Bowl was the most watched television program in American history, with 111 million viewers. (It beat M*A*S*H's series finale, which held the record from 1983 til 2010). She's a veteran and one of the most talented vocalists of this era - she can still make mistakes. She didn't lip sync although she could have. When she screwed up, she kept going and didn't show any reaction. She has apologized and I'm sure she is embarassed. Let it go.

Focus instead on how awful the Black Eyed Peas were.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Day

Well, here we go! Apologies to Bears' fans for the huge disappointment, but it's looking like today's game will be a great matchup. I really don't know or care much about football, honestly, but my dad said the Packers are favored by 2.5. They must be expecting a close game, and that'll be fun.

We're all in it for the party, right? I'm going to "Grilling of the Meats," an annual gathering of my co-rec softball friends where a fantastic amount of amazing meat is the centerpiece. Today we'll have 13 to try - I'm taking garlic & herb chicken (thanks to Old Time Meat and Deli). The whole event sounds crazy, I know, but it's really a blast. I'm looking forward to trying the alligator.

The commercials look promising this year. Several news outlets have aired a smattering of them, and you can find most online, as well. You Tube, Facebook, and Twitter have given advertisers WAY more bang for their ($3 million for 30 seconds) buck. The early favorite, which has already gone viral, is the Volkswagon ad with mini-Darth Vader.

You can read about, and watch, the best commercials HERE.

Whatever you do today, be safe...there's a chance for more snow tonight.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

No, not Groundhog Day

I've spent my whole life telling people, "No, my birthday is the day AFTER Groundhog Day." I suppose it's a good reference point although the whole Feb. 2nd affair seems pretty stupid (not to mention unreliable) to me. Punxatawney Phil saw his shadow and predicts and early spring for 2011. WHERE?

Funnier - NYC's Mayor Bloomberg was caught on tape cursing the groundhog who bit him in 2009:


Apparently the Mayor and "Charles C. Hogg" got along much better this year.

So yeah, today is my birthday. The fun includes rehearsal for the Parkland Concert band (I play french horn) and a trip to the vet to learn how to give my newly-diagnosed diabetic cat insulin injections (twice a day). I'm not complaining, though. It's been a great day and I'm happy, healthy, and blessed in many, many ways. I don't believe for a second, however, that WE will be blessed with an early spring.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowprah Wintry

Well, when better to start a new blog than (1) on my second sick day and third day stuck in my house and (2) on the evening of the biggest storm in YEARS?? Many names have been given to the nasty squall affecting 100 million Americans this week, but the title of this entry is my absolute favorite. Thanks to my friend, WIXY's Nicole Beals, for passing it on.

I loved when Jennifer Ketchmark (WCIA) taped two of those Snow Bear rulers together to measure the snow we're gonna get in Central Illinois tonight. The weather folks are PUMPED about this, and I can't really blame them. It's honestly an exciting time to be in the media. Adrenaline is flowing, the message is critical, and people are hanging on your every word (well, most of them). So being sick at home is truly a drag, even though I haven't had to be out in the bad weather...or spend the night at the radio station as several of my coworkers are doing right now. We don't get snow days, no matter what.

I'm happy to head in tomorrow (may change my mind when I wake up and see the damage). The plows never seem to find my neighborhood and the ice I hear slamming into my windows is pretty freaky, but it doesn't matter. We'll be live on the air as we are every day. But like everyone else in Central Illinois, my fingers are crossed that my power won't go out.

Can't say I've paid much attention to pop culture while I've been sick, but I HAVE watched a lot of bad TV. Right now I'm watching The Biggest Loser LIVE...I never, ever watch it live. There's a reason. But I'm just that bored.