Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OMG, where am I?

Can I say that I HATE how difficult Blogger can be sometimes? This entry is done and spaced all stupid, no matter what I do. Sorry if I end up giving up and it looks terrible...

I've been so stinking busy that I have totally abandoned some things, like writing in this blog. The past month or so has been just crazy - the Keyword to Cash contest has me occupied on two of our four stations, we pulled off another successful Working Women's Expo, and the 3rd annual Christie Clinic Illinois Marathon has come and gone, What else? (these were supposed to have bullets, but it wouldn't work correctly)

I've started physical therapy for a degenerated disc causing sciatica, blah blah blah.

We did a complete bathroom remodel that was wonderful but not without its complications and stresses.

My parents visited Easter weekend and I ate everything that wasn't nailed down (with the grand finale chowfest at the Holiday Inn brunch).

Parkland Concert Band ended with a great concert Sunday, and softball is in full swing two nights a week.

The weather sucks and I've barely done anything outside except mow a couple times. My garden (currently fantastically healthy weeds) is waiting to be planed...after Mother's Day. Of course I'm going home for that this weekend. Because I can't slow down, I checked out three book tapes for the occasion (have to decide en route). There's no such thing as down time with me, really.

Despite all the chaos, things are good. I walked a personal best in the half marathon Saturday - 3 hours, 10 minutes even. That beats my time last fall in Indianapolis by 4 minutes, and my time at last year's C/U race by 12!! Considering my hip/back issues with this disc, I'm thrilled. I love the Illinois Marathon so much....what a tremendous event. If you were a volunteer or enthusiastic spectator, THANK YOU. If you're the guy who was pissed on WCIA because he sat in traffic for so long, you might want to check the race guide (or listen to our pre-race broadcast) for traffic info before you drive right into the mess.

This is a pic of me and my great friend, Bettina, after we crossed the finish line together.

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