Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm exhausted today...for a sad reason. I stayed up til nearly midnight WATCHING A MOVIE. At home. I went to bed right after, but you'd think I closed the bars and then went to Merry Ann's for a gravy nightcap. I'm super tired and blah. I hope seaweed will perk me back up. I'm running over to BJ Grand Salon and Spa after work and gonna try out A Seaweed BODY MASK. I know, it's a big question mark for me too - but someone recommended it and I think it'll help get the "ick" out. Their website says that it'll help get rid of dead skin cells and release toxins, after my skin is exfoliated. I'm really curious about the seaweed wrap and wonder if I'll feel like a giant Unwich. I'll let you know! We got a complete upgrade to our operating systems at work today. Everyone has been really thrown off their routines and it makes for a bit of stress. I wish I could close the door and take a teeny nap. No one would ever need to know...

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